Housing Market

Buyer's Market Expert Quotes on the 2024 Housing Market Forecast Expert Quotes on the 2024 Housing Market Forecast If you’re thinking about buying or selling a home soon, you probably want to know what you can expect from the housing market in 2024. In 2023, higher mortgage rates, confusion over home price headlines, and a lack of homes for sale created some challenges for buyers and sellers looking to make a move. But […]
Housing Market Reasons To Sell Your House Before the New Year Reasons To Sell Your House Before the New Year As the year winds down, you may have decided it’s time to make a move and put your house on the market. But should you sell now or wait until January? While it may be tempting to hold off until after the holidays, here are three […]
Housing Market Key Skills You Need Your Listing Agent To Have Selling your house is a big decision. And that can make it feel both exciting and a little bit nerve-wracking. But the key to a successful sale is finding the perfect listing agent to work with you throughout the process. A listing agent, also known as a seller’s agent, helps market and sell your house while advocating […]
Housing Market An Expert Makes All the Difference When You Sell Your House An Expert Makes All the Difference When You Sell Your House If you’re thinking of selling your house, it’s important to work with someone who understands how the market is changing and what it means for you. Here are five reasons working with a professional can ensure you’ll get the most out of your sale. 1. They’re […]
Buyer's Market How To Make Your Dream of Homeownership a Reality How To Make Your Dream of Homeownership a Reality According to a recent Harris Poll survey, 8 in 10 Americans say buying a home is a priority, and 28 million Americans actually plan to buy within the next 12 months. Homeownership provides many financial and nonfinancial benefits, so that interest is understandable. However, it’s unlikely all 28 million Americans will […]
Housing Market Wondering What’s Going on with Home Prices? Wondering What’s Going on with Home Prices? The recent changes in home prices are top of mind for many as the housing market begins gearing up for spring. It can be hard to navigate misleading headlines and confusing data, so here’s what you should know about today’s home prices. Local price trends still vary by market. But […]
Housing Market Why You Shouldn’t Fear Today’s Foreclosure Headlines If you’ve seen recent headlines about foreclosures surging in the housing market, you’re certainly not alone. There’s no doubt, the stories in the media can be pretty confusing right now. They may even make you think twice about buying a home for fear that prices could crash. The reality is, the data shows a foreclosure crisis […]
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